Story of Redemption: Lost and Found: A Journey of Rediscovering Faith

-Sis September Cruz


When we were young, our grandparents and parents took great joy in seeing us dressed in beautiful clothes and eagerly participating in church activities. As young children, we often didn’t have the ability to refuse. In relation to the story of our dear sister, September Cruz, her experiences might resonate with many of us, particularly the youth. Let’s take a moment to learn her story and explore what happened to her.

She considers herself a devoted daughter and kind-hearted. She has consistently attended Mass and actively served as a Psalmist. She found joy in what she was doing, faithfully fulfilling her role, until one day, everything took a sudden turn. Once upon a time, in her lifetime, she wandered away from the Lord.


It started in College, when she began to feel a sense of strictness from her parents. The weight of their expectations and the numerous dos and don’ts started to suffocate her, and she longed to break free and assert her independence. This desire to rebel against her parents’ decisions grew stronger when she found comfort in a group of friends whom she believed would provide the care and acceptance she sought. In her pursuit of freedom and a carefree lifestyle, she started smoking, drinking alcohol, and sought belonging in various social circles regardless of their gender. Until she distanced herself from attending church and became a complete deviant.

She thought things will change after getting married and having a son. Fortunately, she was able to quit smoking and drinking alcohol seven years ago, which was a positive step. However, she still found herself constantly seeking acceptance and a sense of belonging in various social groups. She was looking for other’s affirmation, go out and spent time and money with so-called friends just to please them, living a single life despite having her own family and a son with special needs. Her son was diagnosed with autism, but sister September opted to just enjoy and live her life; she was only thinking of herself. Her greatest regret was her inability to provide for her family’s needs while being overly generous with her friends. 


Last year, sister September encountered her greatest disappointment at work. Instead of turning to prayer and seeking her parents’ support, she initially reached out to her friends for help. Sadly, they proved unable to assist her and eventually distanced themselves from her. This experience left her questioning why she felt abandoned by both her friends and the Lord. In her desperate attempt to relieve the pain, she tried various things such as isolating herself from the outside world, keeping busy, seeking counseling, and even resonating to Tarot cards. However, none of these worked. Overwhelmed and devastated, she found herself at a loss, unsure of what steps to take next.


Still, her family never left her. They accepted her and lend their hands to support her until one day, Jesus calmed the storm in her life. It was one ordinary day in February of this year, something extraordinary happened. As sister September and her mother caught sight of a tarpaulin advertising The Feast Antipolo, a glimmer of hope sparked within them. Frustrated with her previous attempts to find comfort, they decided to include attending The Feast in their list.

On a Sunday morning, as they listened to the talk, something profound occurred. Through the words of Bro. Julius Acosta, the builder/preacher of The Feast Antipolo, sister September felt as if God Himself was speaking to her. It was similar to the story of the prodigal son, where Jesus was patiently awaiting her return with no judgment. At that moment, she whispered to herself, “I’m finally home!” The encounter at The Feast became the turning point, where she found her way back to the loving embrace of God, and she dedicated to become a regular attendee. 


Aside from The Feast Antipolo, she owes her emotional recovery from her family. She blamed herself for what happened to her son, Prince Charles, believing it to be a punishment for her past mistakes. However, through her son’s condition, she discovered strength and humility. Presently, she begins and ends each day with prayer, prioritizing God and her family above all else.

When asked about her advice for readers, sister September shared, “You will never go wrong if you put God in the center of your life.” This sentiment perfectly aligns with her favorite scripture from Proverbs 3:5-6, which reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” Although simple, these words hold profound meaning for her and serve as a guiding principle in her life.

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