Antipolo Dance Ministry

Welcome to our Dance Ministry! We are a vibrant and dedicated community of individuals who express our faith and devotion through the art of dance. Our ministry is committed to spreading joy, worship, and spiritual connection through the power of movement.

At the core of our Dance Ministry is the belief that dance is a universal language that transcends barriers and allows us to communicate with the divine. Through graceful and energetic movements, we seek to inspire and uplift our congregation, creating a sacred space where people can experience the presence of God in a unique and profound way.

Our ministry welcomes dancers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you are a seasoned dancer or have never danced before, we provide a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can grow and flourish in their dance journey. We believe that each person has a unique gift to offer, and we celebrate the diversity of styles and expressions within our ministry.
If you have a passion for dance and a desire to worship God through movement, we invite you to join our Dance Ministry. Whether you want to express yourself through dance, deepen your spiritual connection, or simply enjoy the camaraderie of fellow dancers, you will find a welcoming and empowering space within our ministry.

Come, let your spirit soar, and join us on this incredible dance journey of faith, worship, and artistic expression!

Sis Mariah Denise Ancheta
Dance Ministry Head
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